Q. How much traffic do you get?
A. indiansearchengine.com currently has, on average, 100000 searches per month done directly at our search engine and rising .
Q. How much traffic can you send me?
A. The amount of traffic we can send you depends on how many targeted keywords you submit, the popularity of your product or service, and the cost-per-click price you set. However, because we do not set any monthly minimums, all your account balance will be used on traffic.
Q. How much does it cost to start?
A. We have a low minimum deposit of just $5. Your first deposit is protected by our money-back guarantee if you are not satisfied with our service.
Q. How does it work?
A. Once your pages and keywords are active on indiansearchengine.com, all you need to do is monitor your bids (the cost-per-click price you are willing to pay for a valid
clickthrough), the higher you bid, the higher your ranking will be on indiansearchengine.com's search results, and our partner's results. By monitoring your clickthrough/sale conversion you can also make sure to be in profit with your advertising.
Q. How long does the review time take?
A. Our current review time average is 24 hours during the weekdays.
Q. Are adult sites allowed?
A. We are phasing out adult sites on indiansearchengine.com to make our site family friendly. As such, new adult site submissions are no longer accepted.
Q. I have a question that was not listed here, can I contact you?
A. Yes, when contacting us, please make sure to enter as much specific information as possible so that we may answer your question the first time. Contact for Support
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